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DM: Profile

DM: social media profile


Our tips about👤Bio and user PROFILE👤 in Instagram (for other tips follow the #Docco_SMMhowitworks Instagram hashtag)
Catch some life-hacks of the most selling Instagram profiles
1) Username
Your username should be easily identifiable, recognizable and searchable. Don’t be an @anna9862748👀 Try to apply some creativity.
If your business name is already taken, don’t give up. Keep your business name as the first part of your username and just add the name of your key product or service to the end. Good ex: @whitevelvetdresses
2) Profile photo
Remember: your photo is your brand logo. That’s something associated only with you and your profile conception. That’s the first thing people see when they visit your Instagram profile. Never pets or trees if you pretend to have a business women’s profile. Never use landscapes because you have only small circle ⭕️ to show your face or your logo.
3) Business name (or your full name)
The crucial thing is to DO NOT repeat your username as-is. Add your full business name to the “name” section of your profile with all spaces and symbols you need to. This will appear under your profile picture and under your username in search. It should be easily searchable too.
Ex: SOKOLOV Jewelry (account @sokolov.russia
4) BIO
The description at the top of your profile is the first impression your future followers have about you and your business.
Don’t be too shy. Don’t be too eloquent.
150 characters maximum of informative, original and personalized bio.
Your Bio is about your business?
Tell about your services, the best results you’ve ever made.
If you’re lacking a little bit of creativity, don’t worry, just Google: Instagram bios. There are a lot of cool ideas!
These are few tips about your Instagram BIO. That’s what your visitors catch the first about you and what attract your visitors or push them to unfollow you!
Apply these simple rules to all of your Instagram posts and enjoy your Instagram sales!🍀
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