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DM: Digital adv channels



In the previous post #Docco_DigitalMarketinghowitworks, we learned that web advertising is affordable to the different business.

Now we want to share with you information about main communication channels which are used in digital marketing.

➡️SEO optimization. Do you have a website where you are selling your products or services? Do you need visitors of your website who might be the potential customers? This is the reason you want to use SEO optimization which helps your website to be in the top of searching results. These results called “natural”.

➡️Paid search results. While SEO optimization is the long and supported process it is possible to pay for the search results (Google Ads service). It’s easy. You pay and your advertising message will be on the first page of searching results in special adv section. .

➡️Banner advertising. We would not suggest this channel because it had become less effective for the last years.

➡️Email marketing. This channel is very effective if you want to tell your customers about your new products or promos. You just need to send an email with this information. .

➡️Social media. Do you have customers who you want to communicate individually? You just need to create the community in social media and communicate them. This channel is very effective if you want to increase customers’ loyalty, get the new customers and evaluate their feedback.

Before planning any advertising campaign you need to know your customer.
😉 We will talk about it in the next post.🔜 Don’t miss it!

☝🏻Remember, you do not need to be the advertising guru. Just leave it to the professional team! We will create, develop and manage your presence on the web!
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