Blog > Digital Marketing > DM: Follow the companies?

DM: Follow the companies?



Do you remember the last post #Docco_DigitalMarketinghowitworks with the information where people spend their time and money?

💥Here is another pool of important data, which can help you develop your SM accounts properly

Why do people follow companies’ accounts in social networks?
🔸learn about promo and sales
🔹learn about new products/services
🔸participate in contests
🔹read new interesting posts
🔸ask questions

So, you have plenty of ideas
💡 on how to attract new followers and keep the old ones.

And what companies do people like to subscribe?
🔹music, tv
🔸home appliance, gadgets

As you can see, people like
👍 everything which is around them.
If your company is on this list, you have a lot of opportunities to grow in social networks. Use your potential!
If your business is not on this list, do not worry! Each company has its own customers. The only thing is that you need to be more precise in managing the groups. And it’s not the problem if you have a professional SM manager in your team.

☝️Remember, you do not need to be the advertising guru.
Just leave it to the professional team! We will create, develop and manage your presence on the web!

Got something new in this list? Just
👍 it and share with your friends!

Use these simple tips to be on the top of Instagram sales!